Campus Dive
three students sitting on the lawn of a college campusthree students sitting on the lawn of a college campusthree students sitting on the lawn of a college campus

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Browse our library of 1244 in-depth student interviews from colleges across the country.

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Get the inside scoop on hotspots around campus. Learn the best places to eat, hang out, make friends, and study.

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Get essay inspiration

Our interviews cover academics, location, social scene, and campus culture, providing essential context for writing supplements.


We help students and counselors around the world.

“Induck was an invaluable resource for my daughter in her college search! We loved the deep dive it gives you into academics, social life and more, and hearing all this information directly from students in their own voices felt really important. The information we found on Induck was something we couldn’t find anywhere else.”

Erin Klett
Class of 2023 Parent

“I felt like Induck gave me a more in-depth and honest view of what these colleges are like, as opposed to listening to some student selected by the administration. Induck also saved me a lot of time because it gave me access to plenty of detailed information on various colleges, which was a lot easier than having to find on my own.”

High School Junior

“I looked at some of the Hobart full interviews and they’re pretty dead accurate. Something like this would be pretty helpful if I was 17 again.”

Hobart College Student
Class of 2020


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